Thursday, October 2, 2014

AIP Career Toolbox Workshop!!!!

We will be hosting Kendra Redmond from the National SPS chapter with support from the National Science Foundation!! Join us for a career training for all undergraduate students looking to move forward after graduation. All STEM students are welcome. This event will be:

When: October 10th from 3-5pm.

Where: The room will be Plaza 204.

PLEASE Register in advance to reserve your materials
(Please Register)

Why: We would like to see our students be successful after their undergraduate career. Participation is key in getting ready for your future, and we'd like to make it easy for you to have access to great advice and preparation from people who know it best!

 Snacks and coffee will be provided!

We look forward to hearing from you!


Join us for the next awesome study session on

Friday Oct 17th at 3:15-4:30pm

Room 3407 in the North Classroom Building

We all know the GRE is a big deal. Dr. Krantz will be hosting this session helping us learn some tools and tricks when it comes to taking the test.

See you there!

We will be hosting GRE Prep every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month, so we will keep you updated!