Colloquium Series

Our next Colloquium will be:

The Society of Physics Students will be hosting the 2nd colloquium of the semester when we welcome Allison Toltz to our campus this Thursday to give a presentation titled “What is Medical Physics?”
              Please join us February 1st at 4:00 PM in North Classroom 3111 if you are interested.    

What is a colloquium?

A colloquium is an academic seminar or conference that features specialists on a variety of topics.

At SPS Denver, the colloquium series is organized by students and features a wide range of topics in physics, and even outside of physics. We have hosted speakers from research facilities including the National Renewable Energy Laboratories (NREL), and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), as well as faculty and researchers from local universities, including our own departments. All events are approximately an hour in length and snacks will be provided; they are free and open to all. Keep an eye on the calendar for upcoming talks.

Join the #Colloquium Slack channel to stay in the loop.

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