Thursday, June 18, 2015

HENAAC Conference

Calling all Hispanic scholars! Great Minds in STEM is hosting the HENAAC STEM Career Conference, which will be held in Pasadena, CA from October 14-18, 2015. This conference is intended to honor the contributions of Hispanic members of all STEM fields and provide an opportunity for students to network with Hispanic STEM professionals and each other, as well as connect with institutions that may offer opportunities for graduate school, internships, and jobs. Professional development workshops are also offered.

Early registration comes with a large discount on fees, and is also required in order to apply for travel grants to cover approved travel expenses. This is a great opportunity to "get your foot in the door" with companies like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, IBM, and others!

For more information on the conference, please visit and for details on registration fees, visit

If we have several members interested, we may be able to room and/or travel together, so please send an email to us at if you'd like to attend so we can put a list together.

Hope everyone is having a great summer!

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